Nobilis® Gumboro 228E

Live, freeze dried vaccine for active immunization of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) caused by virus stain 228E.

Nobilis Gumboro 228E is a live, freeze-dried intermediate plus type vaccine against Infectious Bursal Disease, grown in embryonated eggs. Each dose contains at least 2 log₁₀ EID50 of the Live Gumboro disease virus strain 228E. The vaccine pellet contains stabilizers and gentamicin as preservative.

Each dose contains at least 2 log₁₀ EID50 of the Live Gumboro disease virus strain 228E. The vaccine pellet contains stabilizers and gentamicin as preservative.

For active immunization of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD).

Via drinking water.

Recommended Vaccination Programme:
The vaccine virus strain 228E is a less attenuated intermediate IBDV strain. As a result of this, the virus is capable to break through the maternal immunity at an earlier stage and will spread better through the vaccinated flock. The age at which chickens can be successfully vaccinated depends on the level of maternal derived antibodies (MDA) and therefore on the kind of chickens and on the way the parent breeding flock is vaccinated (Please refer product leaflet for more information).

Store in a dark place between 20C and 80C.

Vials of 1000, 2500 doses in packages of 10 vials.

Refer to Product Leaflet for more information.