Panacur® Vet Powder

Each gm powder contains Fenbendazole I.P Vet 250 mg. It is used in cattle, sheep, goat & pigs for the treatment of infestation with gastrointestinal nematodes and tapeworms.

Each gram powder contains Fenbendazole I.P. (Vet) 250 mg

Indications for use:
Infestations of cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats with gastro-intestinal nematodes, lung worms and tapeworms such as Haemonchus sppOstertagia sppTrichostrongylus sppCooperia sppNematodirus sppNeoascaris vitulorum sppOesophagostomum sppChabertia sppTrichuris sppStrongyloides sppDictyocaulus filarialDictyocaulus viviparousMoniezia spp, Infestation of dogs with Ancylostoma spp, Infestation of horses with StrongylesAscaris Ascarids(parascaris), Oxyuris and Strongyloids infestation of pigs with Hyostrongylus rubidusOesophagostomum sppAscaris suumTrichuris suis and Metastrongylus spp.

Dosage and Administration:
Recommended for Cattle, sheep, Goat and Pigs infestation with gastrointestinal nematodes & lungworms: 5 mg Fenbendazole per kg body wt.
Suspension to be made by mixing clean water as follows: 6 g with 100 ml/ 60 g with 1 lit/120 g with 2 lit

Withdrawal Period:
Meat- 8 days (Large Animals) & 14 days (Sheep, Goat) Milk- 4 days

Store at room temperature

6 gm Sachet, 60 gm & 120 gm container